AINUL MAHFUD HAFID, NIM B1A114096, Economics Study Program of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University Kendari, "Relationship between Understanding Religion and Islamic Consumption Behavior (Study in Students of Kendari Islamic Boarding School) Supervised by H. Gamsir, SE., MS and Nuddin, SE., M.Si.
This study aims to determine the relationship of religious understanding of Islamic consumption behavior at the Ummusshabri Islamic Boarding School in Kendari. This research is a research with the object of research is Kendari Ummusshabri Islamic Boarding School and the research subjects are santri students who attend school or boarding in Kendari's Ummusshabri Islamic Boarding School, which are 36 students. The analytical tool used is descriptive quantitative.
Based on the results of the study it was found that the level of religious understanding of the Islamic boarding school students of Ummusshabri included in the understanding criteria was 79.62 percent, the level of religious understanding was dominated by tawhid knowledge, the implementation of five daily prayers and prayer on time and in congregation. Whereas the level of understanding and principles of Islamic consumption behavior of the Ummusshabri Islamic boarding school students of Kendari understood criteria of 78.70 percent, this is still a lack of knowledge of halal and haram food / drinks. As well as the relationship between understanding religion and Islamic consumption behavior, the Ummusshabri Islamic boarding school students in Kendari can see that religious understanding in consumption is 78.70 percent and its application in consumption behavior is 77.22 percent, both of them have understanding criteria so that it can be interpreted descriptively. related to the application of consumption behavior.
Keywords: Religious understanding, Islamic Consumption Behavior, Halal, Haram.