FITRIANI JABBAR (G2Q1 16 009). 2018. The Correlation between Teaching Style and Learning Motivation toward Students’ English Learning Outcomes at The Eleventh Grade of Science Class In Senior High School 3 of South Konawe. Supervisor: Dr. Tambunan, M.S, and Co-Supervisor: Drs. Hj. Sartiah DP, M.Ed., Ph.D
This study aims to find out and analyze the correlation between teaching style end students English learning outcomes, the correlation between learning motivation and students English learning outcomes, and the features of teaching style which can affect the students English learning outcomes. This study applied mixed method. The population in this study was all students at the eleventh grade of science class in senior high school 3 of South Konawe which the total is 134 students and the samples in this study were 57 students. The data were collected through closed questionnaire, in-depth interview and midterm test scores. To analyze the data, the researcher used descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (correlation test and simple linear regression), and interactive analysis. The results of data analysis show as follows: (1) There is a correlation between teaching style and English learning outcomes shows a correlation coefficient ry1 is 0,488 and
determination coefficient r2y1 is 0,238 and T count is 5,883. (2) There is a
correlation between learning motivation and English learning outcomes show a correlation coefficient ry2 is 0,925 and determination coefficient r2y1 is 0,855 and T count is 3,322. (3) Some features of teaching style which can affect the learning outcomes are working in group, students’ discussion, and question and answer between teacher and students or student and students.
Keywords: Teaching Style, Learning Motivation, and Learning Outcomes