The purpose of this research is to get data and description about: 1) To describe student's learning activity in geography learning through applying of CTL learning pendekatan (Contextual Teaching and Learning) to SMA 1 Bombana class X.IPS.2 2) To describe teacher activity in Geography learning through the application of CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) pendekatan to High School Students 01 Bombana X.IPS.2., 3) To determine the learning outcomes of Geography of SMA Negeri 01 Bombana class X.IPS.2 students, 4) To determine the percentage (%) increase learning outcomes Geography SMA 1 Bombana. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) the student activity with the application of Contextual Teaching and Learning pendekatan on the average score of the first cycle student activity is 11 (61.11%). The average score of the score is 7 (38.88%) in the category of enough increase in cycle II to score 16 (88.88%) that implemented funds not implemented is a score (11.12%) which included in good category; 2) Teacher's teaching activity is shown with average score in cycle I is score 13 (59.90%) which increases in cycle II to 21 (95.45%) which is high-ranking; 3). Increased student learning outcomes in the first cycle of 17 students only 8 students who completed with a percentage of completeness of 48% with an average value of 72.41. On the second cycle has increased from 17 students there are 14 students who completed with 82% complete percentage with an average value of 80.58
Keywords: Learning Pendekatan, Process, Learning Outcomes