Mia Sari Muis, Nim C1A114249, entitled "Factors Affecting the Election of Women Legislative Members (Case Study of the Regional House of Representatives of Kendari City 2014-2019 Election)" under the guidance of Eka Suaib as Supervisor I and Dwi Maya Loka as mentors II.
Women's struggle to get justice in various dimensions of life is always done, because there are still many aspects of life that are still far from the concept of justice for women. In political life, the level of women's participation, especially in parliament, is very minimal. The issue of gender sensitivity in the mass media has its own complexity.
this study aims to determine the factors that affect the election of female legislators in the Parliament of Kendari City 2014-2019 election in which of 35 legislators members of Parliament Kendari there are 13 number of female legislators in the local parliament of Kendari today. This research is a qualitative descriptive type using Czudnowski concept, Moshe M. (1972). "Sociocultural Variables and Legislative Recruitment: Some Theoretical Observations and a Case Study" which according to Czudnowski there are 6 factors that can mengengerahui election someone in the legislative institution: Social backround, Political socialization, Intidal political activit, Occupational variables, Motivations, Selection.
The results of this study indicate that the first female legislative election was affirmative action policy towards women in the field of politics after the enactment of the 1945 Constitution Law about 30% quota of female Representative in Legislative, and there are 6 factors that could influence the election of female legislators in the city parliament kendari ie Social backround, Political socialization, Intidal political activit, Occupational variables, Motivations, Selection.
Keywords: Selection, Female Legislative Member, Kendari City DPRD