Eriyanti (G2C116146), Implementation of Participatory Planning System; Study At the Regional Development Planning Agency Bombana Regency, guided by H. Muhammad Basri, and Adrian Tawai. Objectives to be achieved in this research are: 1) Describe and analyze the implementation of participatory planning system at the Regional Development Planning Agency Bombana Regency; 2) Describe and analyze the factors that influence the application of participatory planning system to the Regional Development Planning Board of Bombana Regency. The research method used qualitative approach, interviewed with a number of informants from the Head of Regional Development Planning Board, members of parliament and community elements including journalism, total intorman as many as 10 people, and data analysis using qualitative descriptive method supported by secondary data sourced from the Regional Development Planning Agency Bombana District. The result of the research is concluded: 1) The implementation of participatory planning system is done because some of the underlying aspects are: a) the existence of regulation which obliges the district government to implement Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) in connection with the establishment of regional development planning document; b) Implementing a participatory planning system involving all stakeholders; c) Its application requires data of all related elements comprehensively; d) Formulation of objectives / roots shall be done by each OPD discussed together in the musrenbang forum and determined to be a joint decision; e) The allocation of the budget shall be adjusted to the proposed OPD to fund the programs and activities submitted by each OPD; 2) The implementation of participatory planning system is influenced by individual factor of citizen and capability of personnel, applicable planning system and responsiveness of apparatus in accommodating OPD and community proposal through deliberation of development planning of Bombana Regency level. Keywords: Planning System, Participatory Planning, Regional Development